Specialists In Digital Transformations / ERP

We Make Your Digital Transformation Easier

Kiebler&Partners Network of independent Consultants provides the specialist competence and experience needed for a successful Digital Transformation.

Our Services

Our Services


Management Consulting

We offer qualified and experienced consultants from Analysis to Implementation and Post Go Live Support


Get Ready Analysis

Based on international studies why large IT-projects often miss the goal, we have created a way of working to identify and prevent common pitfalls.



Preparation Project Phase based on the outcome of the Get Ready analysis. This is a sucess factor for every complex IT-transformation project.


A trustworthy network of experts to cover all aspects of a digital transformation

Kiebler&Partners is a network of independent specialists who, with their various skills and experience, help companies that are about to start a digital transformation/change journey.

About Kiebler & Partners

Founded by ilona Kiebler in 2018 with a vision to help clients succeed with their Digital Transformation. K&P gather experts in different areas to support from start to Go Live with any Digital Transformation project. The leadwords for all the consultants is to act firmly grounded in a realistic and pragmatic mindset! Our way of working includes both the hard and the soft elements with the McKinsey 7S Model as one frame of reference. For the change journey we follow Dr John P Kotter and his 8 step model for leading change.



Within different business areas have hired us over the years.


Completed Projects

To mention some: ERP, HRM, DAM, PIM, WMS, 3PL, CMS.


Important Project KPI

Its the recommended amount of laughters/day for an ongoing project.

We Adapt To Your Company Culture

Kiebler & Partners consultants have both feet on the ground, a pragmatic approach and we adapt our way of working to each client’s needs, culture and industry.

Get In Touch

Want to know more about how we can help you. 
Don´t hesitate to get in touch with us